This year Banned Books Week is September 27 - October 3, but who says we have to wait until then to have some Banned Books fun? The CTPL is celebrating Banned Books Month throughout September. What does that mean? We have a Banned Books Reading challenge, a special book display in the library, a banner on our website with a direct link to all the banned books in our library, a just-for-fun "Banned Books Who Am I?" quiz...and more!
Sounds pretty great, right?
So here's the details:
Take the Who Am I quiz by clicking the link. Answering the last question (your name) is optional. If you enter your name, you will automatically be added to the free Banned Books Challenge drawing! (Note: each person may use the quiz one time to enter the challenge).
Check out a Banned Book. You can Browse CTPL's Books and request your choice for pick-up, come in and pick one from the special display, or read one on your phone/computer/tablet--your choice! When you've completed your book, fill out a Banned Book reading slip and hand it in at the front desk to be entered in the drawing. You get to fill in 1 slip per book, but you may enter more than once by reading more books. There are no limits to the number of times you may enter. So get reading, have fun, and turn in those slips!
What do the lucky winners receive? 2 winners will be selected: 1 over 18 yrs, and 1 17yrs old or younger. Each winner will have the choice of picking a Banned Books t-shirt or a $15 Amazon gift card.