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Native American Heritage Month: 5 Fun Things You Can Do to Learn More


November is Native American Heritage Month, also known as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. As the National Congress of American Indians states, "the month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people." (source: The library is one of the best resources for learning more about a variety of cultures, and the Clinton Library in particular has obtained a number of books about topics related to the diverse Nations and tribes of North America. But your journey of discovery doesn't have to stop at our door. Check out our suggestions below to discover 5 fun things you can do to learn more, including where else you might find information, books, videos, music, recipes and more!

1. Of course, our first recommendation is to check out an awesome book (or more) by or about Native people from the library. We'll even give you a little help. Click HERE to see a list of books for all ages and reading levels.

2. Explore the Native American Heritage Month website and discover online exhibitions, attend online events, and more.

3. Try a Native recipe, such as the ones listed on THIS PAGE (The New York Times) which includes Fry Bread and a Three Sisters Bowl.

4. Watch a documentary on PBS.

5. Look up your address on to learn what Nation or tribe might have lived on the land before you did. Then look that Nation or tribe up and learn more about them.

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