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Circulation Class: New Circ
Item Report Class: New (book/juv book/ya)
Call Number (what you see on spine label)
Physical Location: New (book/children's book)
Vendor: Baker and Taylor
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RDA Content: Text
RDA Media: unspecified
RDA Carrier: volume
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Circulation Class: New Circ
Item Report Class: New (book/juv book/ya)
Call Number (what you see on spine label)
Physical Location: New (book/children's book)
Vendor: select vendor or no vendor
Title and author
RDA Content: Text
RDA Media: unspecified
RDA Carrier: volume
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Circulation Class: New Circ
Item Report Class: New (book/juv book/ya)
Call Number (what you see on spine label)
Physical Location: New (book/children's book)
Vendor: select vendor or no vendor
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